Akagi Gunma is a young, impetuous, and rash teenager who decides to move to the big city to fulfill his dream of racing a Formula One car. The story follows how this simple farmer boy from the country moves on to the city in pursuit of his dreams.
F received the Shogakukan Manga Award in 1991 for seinen/general manga.
Chapter name | View | Updated |
Vol.4 Chapter 5: The Racing Suit | 9.30k | |
Vol.1 Chapter 11: Field Trip | 10.60k | |
Vol.1 Chapter 10: Freebooting | 8k | |
Vol.1 Chapter 9: Fish Story | 10.20k | |
Vol.1 Chapter 8: Full Throttle | 8.70k | |
Vol.1 Chapter 7: Fall Out | 8.80k | |
Vol.1 Chapter 6: Foot On | 8.40k | |
Vol.1 Chapter 5: Family Time | 10.70k | |
Vol.1 Chapter 4: Fairplay | 8.90k | |
Vol.1 Chapter 3: Friendship | 9.20k | |
Vol.1 Chapter 2: Fervor | 9.80k | |
Chapter 1: Farmers | 16.30k |