Read manhwa Growth-Type Superhero / In an era of upheaval, humanity is forced to respond with weapons known as "Sacred Relics" that embody their very souls to combat monsters emerging from another world. Asahi Hinata, a young man with a promising future as the son of a hero, is about to attend the entrance ceremony at the National Valkyrie Academy. However, the Sacred Relic he receives is a hero suit that looks like it came straight out of a low-budget children's hero showLiving day by day as an outcast at the academy, Hinata perseveres despite being disregarded by those around him. But one day, Hinata's courage and resolve awaken a unique power within his hero suit
Chapter name | View | Updated |
Chapter 23 | 0 | |
Chapter 22 | 0 | |
Chapter 21 | 0 | |
Chapter 20 | 0 | |
Chapter 19 | 6.30k | |
Chapter 18 | 8.30k | |
Chapter 17 | 9k | |
Chapter 16 | 7.40k | |
Chapter 14 | 6.90k | |
Chapter 13 | 6.30k | |
Chapter 12 | 6.60k | |
Chapter 11 | 6.40k | |
Chapter 10 | 7k | |
Chapter 9 | 6.60k | |
Chapter 8 | 6.70k | |
Chapter 7 | 6.80k | |
Chapter 6 | 7k | |
Chapter 5 | 7.20k | |
Chapter 4 | 7.20k | |
Chapter 3 | 7.70k | |
Chapter 2 | 7.90k | |
Chapter 1 | 11.40k |