Nidome No Isekai Shounen Datta Kare Wa Toshiue Kishi Ni Nari Dekiai Shitekuru

Alternative:二度目の異世界、少年だった彼は年上騎士になり溺愛してくる ; In My Second Life, He Was a Boy, but Now He's a Knight and Dotes on Me ; Nidome no Isekai Shounen Datta Kare wa Toshiue Kishi ni nari Dekiai Shitekuru
AuthorKotoko (琴子)
Updated:Dec 17, 2024 - 7:26 PM
Rating: rate : 4.52/ 5 - 71 votes


"The boy I saved before becomes an older and a highly talented knight!" One day, Sara was transported to another world and saved a boy named Luke who was pursued and collapsed in the forest for some reason, and decided to live together with him. However, just as Luke was beginning to recover from his wounds, Sara was abruptly sent back to her own world. Three years later, Sarah returned to the other world again and reunited with a 25-year-old Luke, the finest ice magician in the country and a knight who earned baronetcy for his achievements! He used to be 10 years younger than her, but now he's two years older and a romantic interest. "I'll reward you with my entire life," he said as he began to dote on Sara.
Chapter nameViewUpdated
Chapter 10.317.40k
Chapter 10.216.30k
Chapter 10.114.60k
Chapter 9.412.80k
Chapter 9.313.30k
Chapter 9.213.80k
Chapter 9.113.50k
Chapter 8.413.60k
Chapter 8.313.30k
Chapter 8.213.20k
Chapter 8.114.10k
Chapter 7.413.80k
Chapter 7.313.40k
Chapter 7.214k
Chapter 7.114.70k
Chapter 6.414.50k
Chapter 6.314.70k
Chapter 6.214.90k
Chapter 6.114.50k
Chapter 5.415.20k
Chapter 5.315.80k
Chapter 5.215.80k
Chapter 5.115.50k
Chapter 4.415.80k
Chapter 4.316.40k
Chapter 4.216.20k
Chapter 4.116.70k
Chapter 3.417k
Chapter 3.317.90k
Chapter 3.218.20k
Chapter 3.118.50k
Chapter 2.418.30k
Chapter 2.318.70k
Chapter 2.218.30k
Chapter 2.118k
Chapter 1.418.40k
Chapter 1.318.80k
Chapter 1.220.10k
Chapter 1.122.60k